DISFF 44 (2021)



Undergraduate Program
“Film Writing, Practice & Research Studies”

The Ministry of Education in Greece has given the green light on the function of Film Studies in Drama, operated by the Hellenic Open University. The school (undergraduate program), which will be interconnected with the Drama International Short Film Festival, is expected to operate from the spring semester of the academic year 2022-2023. The courses will be carried out remotely, but there will also be live, on-site, workshops in the city of Drama.

An effort that took years to accomplish has finally achieved its goal. Contacts in Athens by the Mayor of Drama Christodoulos Mampsakos, the President of the Cultural Organisation of the Short Film Festival of Drama, George Demertzis, and the governing MP of Drama, Konstantinos Mplouchos, as well as the right timing and coordinated efforts of all the stakeholders, brought the plan to fruition.

It was a vision lingering for years for the Festival, and its fulfilment made Christodoulos Mamsakos, George Demertzis, the artistic director of the Festival, Giannis Sakaridis, who participated in the committee of lecturers of the Curriculum, and of course the president of the Hellenic Open University, Odysseus-John Zora, very content of the outcome. Unfortunately, the former artistic director of the Festival, Antonis Papadopoulos, did not get to see his dream come true.


The operation of the program, in combination with the dynamics and infrastructure of DISFF that every year welcomes the “new blood” of Greek and international film production, is expected to strengthen the educational role of the Festival and of course to highlight the city of Drama as one of the pre-eminently cinematic hubs of the Balkans and Europe; a city identified with the education and the projection of the future of cinema.

The film study program of the Hellenic Open University in collaboration with the Drama Short Film Festival will follow two directions: a theoretical one and a creative one, depending on the type of thematic units that the students will choose during their studies. The study title that will be awarded in each case will be the same as the title of the program, with the subtitle of the selected direction.

“Film Writing, Practice & Research Studies” program aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge to be able to work in various fields of audiovisual and film production, giving them the theoretical and practical supplies of a wide range of fields. At the same time, its originality derived from the fact of providing quality tertiary distance education beyond the “conventional” cognitive subjects related to cinema. It will deepen in issues of cinematography and narration, will provide knowledge in the field of animation and will enable teaching proficiency through innovative courses that link audiovisual production with education.

Admission of students will take place every semester.

The study in the Program is four years, that is eight (8) academic semesters.

More info: Secretariat DISFF
Drama premises: (0030) 2521047575
Athens premises: (0030) 2103300309

DISFF on the Road a collaboration with Athens Epidaurus Festival

Drama Short Film Festival on the Road: a collaboration with Athens Epidaurus Festival

Drama International Short Film Festival, which includes a national, an international, and a student competition, has been a significant hub for artistic communication and cinematic knowledge and experience sharing. As a key institution for the promotion and dissemination of short films in Greece and southeastern Europe, it also is a gateway for filmmakers to showcase their work at a European and an international level. Every year the DISFF receives more than 2,000 applications. The “best” of them get the chance to be presented in Greek cities and abroad through participation to many important international and national events.

This year’s Athens Epidaurus Festival programme will include the screening of award-winning short films of the last few years, encompassing two themes: “Freedom” and “Woman and Society”.



“Escaping the Fragile Planet” (17΄)
“Vouta” (18΄)
“Creatures of the Night” (15΄)
“Souls All Uncompanied” (24΄)
“Motorway 65” (15΄)
Plus, a surprise screening…!

“Woman and Society”

“Horsepower” (15΄)
“Bella” (24΄)
“Premier Amour” (15΄)
“Brutalia, Days of Labour “(26΄)
“From the Balcony” (12΄)

WHEN AND WHERE: PIREAUS 260 (E) | 12/07/2022, 21:00

More: http://aefestival.gr/festival_events/the-drama-short-film-festival-on-the-road/?lang=en



5-11 SEPTEMBER 2022

The Drama International Short Film Festival, the major celebration of short films, opens submissions for its 45th edition!

The festival’s application process for the National Competition but also for the other four competition programmes opens on January 15th, 2022. This year, the filmmakers interested can register and submit their films until May 15th, 2022.

The Drama International Short Film Festival invites creators from all over the world to apply for the International Competition Programme and the International Student Competition Programme. No separate application is required for the International Animation and Short & Green Competitions.

The films can be submitted directly through the FilmFreeway.com platform.

The 45th Drama International Short Film Festival will be held on 5th – 11th September 2022. The festival’s opening event will take place on Monday 5th September, while the awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, 11th September.

Interested filmmakers can register their films on the following link: https://filmfreeway.com/Dramafilmfestival

We kindly remind you that a status of Greek premiere is required for the films submitted at the National Competition. Film genres accepted are: fiction, documentary, experimental and animation, while for the films to be eligible their production must have been completed after January 1st 2021. The submission is free of charge for directors of Greek or Cypriot origin.

Films submitted for the International Competition must have been completed after January 1st 2021 to be eligible and a Greek premiere is required. The submission fee per film is 10 euros, while the duration of the films must not exceed 45’ minutes of running time.

Films submitted for the International Student Competition must have been completed after January 1st 2021 to be eligible and a Greek premiere is required. The submission fee per film is 5 euros and the duration of the film can not exceed 20’ minutes of running time.

The complete Regulations for participants are described in detail below:

National Competition, International Competition, International Student Competition.
REGULATION 2022-gr (Greek)
REGULATION 2022-en (English)

Drama International Short Film Festival has at its heart the aim to showcase upcoming cinematic talent and to encourage the creation of short films as an independent art form that involves filmmakers of all ages. A key meeting point for directors and audiovisual industry professionals, the Festival is regarded as one of the most important of its kind in Europe, providing the selected filmmakers with the opportunity to claim a spot at the European Film Awards (EFA).

More information:

info@dramafilmfestival.gr (Drama Festival Secretariat)
Drama Offices: tel. +30 25210 47575
Athens Offices: tel. +30 210 3300309

Awarded films of the 44th Drama International Short Film Festival


The Jury of the International Competition of the 44th Drama International Short Film Festival, consisting of

  • Anna Mouglalis
  • Venia Vergou
  • Lydia Georgana
  • Aphroditi Panagiotakou
  • Yannis Chalkiadakis

has decided to award the following prizes:

Grand Prix 2021

Son of Sodom by Theo Montoya, Colombia

All the team felt very honored and moved and this film was chosen unanimously with five votes. It is very important to highlight this film for all of it qualities, what it brought to life and what it brings to the ongoing revolution, which is non-binary. Thanks to that kind of work and that movie, unfortunately thanks to that suffering. We would like to congratulate the Head Programmer, Yorgos Zois, for his excellent curation and for selecting films that represented diversity in many different ways.

The prize is accompanied by 4,000 euros, offered by Raycap.

Best Director

Stories Keep me Awake at Night by Jeremy van der Haegen, Belgium

Best Southeastern European Film

From the Balcony by Aris Kaplanidis, Greece
The award for the best film from the region of Southeastern European Film is given to a film where the action of peeping tom connects the diverse characters of a popular neighborhood of Athens.

Special Award TV5MONDE for the Best Production

Land of Glory, by Borbala Nagy, Germany

#ThisisEU European Values Award

Mission: Hebron by Rona Segal, Israel
The European Values Award is given to a film that promotes values such as respect for human dignity and stands for the promotion of human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law by presenting images that do not dominate the mainstream media.

Drama Short Film Candidate EFA Awards 2021 – Drama 2021

NHA SUNHU, by Jose Magro, Portugal

Honorary Distinction Best Film

THE GAME by Roman Hodel, Switzerland
The Honorary Distinction is awarded to an excellently edited film that combines fiction and documentary while tackling the subject of power on and off the field.

Special Mention Director

Special Mention is given to a film that speaks about a deeply patriarchal society by using the disguise, an extraordinary find, as the perfect vehicle to support the protagonist in a meaningful farewell.

Onassis Film Development Grant

to Manolis Mavris for his film Brutalia, Days of Labor
and Aris Kaplanidis for his film From the Balcony

The award is accompanied by a cash prize of 10,000 euros offered by ONASSIS CULTURE. The grant is offered to each director for the development of their feature film script.

Human Values Award

Les Criminels by Serhat Karaaslan, Turkey
The Parliamentary Television Station awards the “Human Values” award to an International Competition Film, a realistic drama with thriller elements, defending the value of privacy in an authoritarian society where everyone is monitored and controlled.


The Jury of the International Student Competition of the 44th Drama International Short Film Festival, consisting of

  • Nazli Elif Durlu
  • Thodoris Dimitropoulos
  • Kiveli Short

has decided to award the following prizes:

Grand Prix Student Award “Almost Famous”

goes to Spirits and Rocks: An Azorean Myth by Aylin Gökmen
(from Switzerland – DocNomads) for its haunting yet intimate evocation of loss that pushes the boundaries of the documentary form.

Special Jury Award “Rising Star”

goes to Holding On To Water by Kiubon Kokko
(from U.S.A. / Claremont McKenna College) for its brave, vulnerable and inventive portrayal of a difficult father-son relationship.

Special Award for the best Greek Film-Script “On The Radar!”

goes to Ante Nte by Ariadni Thyfronitou Litou
(from Greece / School of Film, Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) for deftly balancing between the bittersweet feeling of growing up and the colourful spirit of youth.

Special Distribution Award: “Heat it up!”

goes to Elevator Alone by Anastasia Papadopoulou
(University of West Attica) for its great craftsmanship, playfulness and attention to detail.

Special Mention Jury Darling

goes to Amayi by Subarna Das
(from India / Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute) for the director’s artful and sensitive depiction of a timely and important subject matter.

Special Mention Super Focus

goes to Don’t Forget to Smile by Cai Ning
(Doc Nomads) for a chilling portrait of family pressure and child exploitation.

Special Award for Debut Director “Dinos Katsouridis” to the filmmakers:

Ariadne – Angeliki Thifronitou – Leto / “Ante de”
Anastasia Papadopoulou / ” Elevator Alone”
Alexandros Rellos / “TolisLive or (Toronto)”



The Jury of the newly established International Short and Green Competition Section congratulates all the participants for their technically perfect creations. They also congratulate them for their very apt, but also sensitive look at the problems related to the environment.

The Jury found representative the intensity of the ecological problems portrayed, and at the same time encouraging, the fact that filmmakers from so many different parts of the world deal with them and try to highlight them and raise public awareness through their work.

The Jury proposes to the management of the Festival the strengthening of the Short and Green Competition section, with educational programs for students utilizing the messages of the films, but also the creation of new motivations for the filmmakers, so that they can be inspired and create, having the environment as a central theme.

We watched really good movies, most of them with very special and distinct messages, which made our final decision very difficult.

The jury of Short & Green of the 44th Drama Short Film Festival, consisting of

  • Kazakis Dimitris
  • Panagos Joachim
  • Eleftheria Tsatsi
  • Linan Jose Manuel Abad

has decided to award the following prizes:

The Drama Green Award

to the film Anticline by Joao Gil from Portugal
We acknowledge the way the author has transformed a specific, located catastrophe into a universal, fully understandable story with masterly use of visual and narrative resources, and by making inanimate elements, vivid characters, with a polished, powerful, long lasting storytelling.

1st Green Mention

to the film The Big Green by Massoni Laurenzo from France
The Jury acknowledges the simplicity of an attractive and innovative idea and the development of trust, built up from scratch, between a human being and a tree, with brilliant, accurate filmmaking.

2nd Green Mention

to the film Migrants by Hugo Caby, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, Zoé Devise from France
The Jury acknowledges the richness of messages and how they are communicated to a wide audience, spanning from children to adults, with exceptional animation work and a surprising scenario.


The jury of the International Animation Competition Program of the 44th Drama International Short Film Festival, consisting of

  • Vassilis Karamitsanis
  • Tasos Nousias
  • Eleni Mouri
  • Izabella Plucinska

has decided to award the following prizes:


PILAR by Yngwie Boley, JJ Epping, Dianna van Houten (NL)
Impressive images, an outstanding animation technique and a well-targeted metaphor enchanted us from the first second to the very end of this short in a journey of pure cinematic fantasia.


FROM THE BALCONY by Aris Kaplanidis (GR)
An extremely smart insight of the modern Athenian suburbia, with intense rhythm, edgy dialogues and real-life characters engaged us in this Greek animation short, presented by a promising, young creative team.


An elegy on loss, gender equality, childhood and silent crimes all melt smoothly in a 2D animation of universal value and appeal short from the world’s largest society.


THE QUIET by Radheya Jegatheva (AU)
This cosmic parabole immersed us in a truly personal and poetic narrative about the fragile, yet steadily changing dimensions of self-consciousness.


The Jury of 44th Drama International Short Film Festival National Competition consisting of:

  • Eleni Androutsopoulou
  • Stella Theodoraki
  • Panagiotis Iosofelis
  • Menelaos Karamaghiolis
  • Christina Bitha


The Jury of the 44th Drama Short Film Festival got bored of presidents and decided to form an independent unanimous decision-making scheme… and found it to be SUPER AMAZING.

We watched all the films in the theatres carefully and with love and we felt optimistic for the new Greek cinema, which in these difficult conditions of the pandemic have produced such interesting and beautiful works. We recognised projects full with ideas, reflections and opinions of social, aesthetic and political character. Even though sometimes they were not completed, there was a promise that this would happen in their next projects.

Their free creative writing and research in different directions, is an optimistic sign in an era that seems to be turning to more conservative forms of expression.

The jury would like to thank the young filmmakers tonight for their work. Because without the work there is no art, no festival, and we have to understand that, if we want to preserve the culture in this country. We wish them to keep this independent flame within themselves in all their future films. Their participation in the festival is the biggest award!

has decided to award the following prizes:


Golden Dionysus to the film Brutalia, Days of Labour by Manolis Mavris

Tonia Marketaki Award for the Best Director

Tonia Marketaki Award for the Best Director to Nikos Tsemberopoulos for the film Soul Food

Special Award of the Jury

Special Award of the Jury to the films:
«Horsepower» by Spyros Skandalos
«To Vancouver» by Artemis Anastasiadou

Best Documentary

Best Documentary to the film Every Sunday by Keti Papadema

Drama Queer Award

Drama Queer Award to the film A Summer Place by Alexandra Matheou

Best Screenplay

Best Screenplay to Vaggelio Soumeli for the film I don’t want to forget anything

Honorary Distinction

Honorary Distinction to the film Motorway 65 by Evi Kalogiropoulou

Honorary Distinction for Interpretation

Honorary Distinction to Jouvany Guirguis for his interpretation to the film Souls all unaccompanied by Yorgos Teltzidis

Honorary Distinction for Female Leading Role

Honorary Distinction for Female Leading Role to Mary Mina to the film A Summer Place by Alexandra Matheou

Honorary Distinction for Male Leading Role

Honorary Distinction for Male Leading Role for both Vasilis Koutsogiannis to the film To Vancouver by Artemis Anastasiadou & Apollonas Sarris to the film Soul Food by Nikos Tseberopoulos

Honorary Distinction for the Best Cinematography

Honorary Distinction for the Best Cinematography to Thomas Tsiftelis for the film Horsepower by Spyros Skandalos

Honorary Distinction for the Best Editing

Honorary Distinction for the Best Editing to Christos Giannakopoulos to the film Motorway 65 by Evi Kalogiropoulou

Honorary Distinction IOULIA STAVRIDOU for the Best Costumes
Honorary Distinction for the Best Set

Honorary Distinction IOULIA STAVRIDOU for the Best Costumes to Eva Goulakou and Honorary Distinction for the Best Set to Dafni Kalogianni to the film Brutalia, Days Labour by Manolis Mavris

Honorary Distinction for the Best Original Music Score

Honorary Distinction for the Best Original Music Score to Marilena Orfanou to the film Amygdala by Maria Hatzakou

Honorary Distinction for the Best Sound Design

Honorary Distinction for the Best Sound Design to Aris Kaplanidis to his film From The Balcony

Honorary Distinction for the Best Sound

Honorary Distinction for the Best Sound both to Giannis Loukos to the film Last Visit by Spyros Alidakis and to Stefanos Efthimiou to the film Creatures of the night by Memi Koupa

Special Mention

Special Mention to Vasileios Kalamakis for his film The Student

Special Mention

Special Mention to Nikos Avgoustidis for his film Apallou


Everything about 44th Drama International Short Film Festival


12-18 SEPTEMBER 2021

The 44th Drama International Short Film Festival, renewed in appearance and content, looks into the future with a new exterior and a refreshing mood, as well as a wonderful trailer directed by Vasilis Kekatos.

The 44th DISFF will be held on September 12th-18th, 2021, in the city of Drama. The new visual identity, created by Dimitris Papazoglou, marches along with the visual language of a constantly evolving digital world, representing first and foremost the factual intention of the festival: to embrace and shed light on individuals regardless of origin, religion or sexual orientation, through the medium of cinema.

This year’s event, the second one with the artistic director Yannis Sakaridis on the lead, will be held in parallel with an ongoing difficult global situation caused by the pandemic, while outstanding Greek short films, by filmmakers that stubbornly continue to create despite the hardships, succeed one after another in major festivals abroad.

In order to ensure public health, the Drama International Short Film Festival will be held again this year, simultaneously in physical spaces and online.

The National Competition Program, the International Competition Program and the International Student Program are framed by the three new competition programs of DISFF: the International Animation Program, the Short & Green, but also Cinematherapy, which after its success last year, gained a permanent position in the festival’s program.

The big celebration of short films (https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr), will take place on 12-18 September showcasing the filmmakers and the audience that love and support short films. The city of Drama is preparing again this year to welcome the young Greek filmmakers in the joyous celebration of Greek cinema, which every September transforms the city center and its beautiful water park, where the Festival takes place, into an animated movie set.

The national short film festival aims to showcase new talented filmmakers in their infancy and to encourage the creation of short film as an autonomous category inviting creators of all ages.

The 44th DISFF will be held at the Olympia Cinema, the Municipal Conservatory of Drama (Antonis Papadopoulos Hall), at the Open-air Cinema Alexandros, the Drive-in Cinema which will operate exclusively for the week of the Festival, and at the multispace Eleftheria (corner of Venizelou and Koudouriotou streets).

Those who wish to watch the 44th DISFF online, should register here: https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/tickets/

The screenings are geoblocked for the Greek territory only. For business, market and VIP accreditation contact the secretariat of the festiva: info@dramafilmfestival.gr

Registration begins with the opening of the online digital platform, on 12th September.

The platform will screen the 5 competition programs, Cinematherapy and Zagoriwood.

In total, 158 films from more than 50 countries will be presented in total at all the programs of the Festival.

As the artistic director Yannis Sakaridis notes:

“Jointly correlating with the global communities, DISFF44 proceeded in ecological actions and is launching this year the International Short & Green competition program coordinated by Vassilis Terzopoulos.

This year and for the second consecutive year, we present the Cinematherapy program led by Denis Nikolakou, with three new films from this year’s entries that stood out for their content and sensitive approach. With the intention to strengthen this atmosphere, in this year’s event we have the luck and the honour to host the author of the best seller The Gift, Stefanos Xenakis.

This year a great emphasis is also placed on Animation. In collaboration with the International Animasyros Festival, ASIFA and the University of West Attica, a new International Animation program was created, led by the excellent director and Professor at PADA (University of Western Attika), Spyros Siakas.

Once again this year we have a renewed and solid National Competition, with more female directors than their male colleagues.

At the International Competition, the pre-selection team of the award-winning director Yorgos Zois watched films from 105 countries.

The International Student Competition, led for the second year by the screenwriter and director Thanasis Neofotistos, received more than 2000 films this year, and is aiming to become one of the top programs in Europe.

We are pleased to announce that the trailer of the 44th DISFF was created by Vassilis Kekatos, the first Greek director to be honored with the Palme d’OR in Cannes, for his short film The Distance Between Us and the Sky.

You may watch the trailer here:

DISFF44 - TRAILER "Airplanes" by Vasilis Kekatos!

Script, Directing, Editing: Vasilis Kekatos
Narration: Glykeria Pappa
Sound Design / Sound Mix: Panagiotis Panagiotopouos
Script Translation: Alexandra Dirani-Maouni
Special thanks to: Lefteris Kokkolis, Romanna Lobach, Helene Stergiopoulou

This year’s DISFF radio spot is delivered by the actor Yannis Stankoglou.


247 Greek films were submitted this year out of which 30 films will compete for the awards of the 44th DISFF (you will find the list here: https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/en/festival/national-competition/ in a “compact” program representing this year’s production.

The selection includes 24 fiction films, 2 documentaries, 2 animation and 2 experimental ones.

For the first time, this year, the majority of the directors competing are female (19 women, 14 men).

A lot of new talent is emerging this year along with some old acquaintances of the festival, whose films have been distinguished in the past.

The exploration of eroticism, the intimate relationships among women, allegorical matriarchal models of power, the revenge of women against abusive men and sexism – are some of this year’s themes explored in the films. Other recurring themes are bullying, religious practices and mob violence, while intolerance, immigration, troubled family bonds, separation and management of grief are also providing inspiration to young filmmakers.

The descriptions of the tourist model that prevails in Greece and Cyprus and the other side of the tourism industry, the provincial kitsch and depictions of the outskirts of the metropolis are themes that filmmakers are interested in, while they also seem to be particularly concerned with everyday life, the psychology of influencers, instagrammers, youtubers and followers, the addiction to social media and the fragile balance between what is real and what they depict in the digital era.

Although comedies are scarce this year too, the element of fantasy is very present, and also unexpected glances at shocking events exist, such as the one dealing with the Polytechnic University upheaval.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the pandemic is treated by many mainly as a background feature and not as the key element.

There are many popular actors that star in the films of the competition programs, indicatively we mention: Eleni Vergeti, Stefania Goulioti, Nikolakis Zeginoglou, Anna Kalaitzidou, Yorgos Karamihos, Kora Karvouni, Giannis Kokiasmenos, Ioanna Kolliopoulou, Romana Lobach, Laertis Malkorosis, Aurora Marion, Mary Mina, Iro Bezou, Kostas Berikopoulos, Amalia Moutousi, Kostas Nikouli, Argiris Pantazaras, Yorgos Pyrpassopoulos, Maria Skoula, Elena Topalidou, Elli Triggou, Aeneas Tsamatis, Theodora Tzimou, Marissa Triantaphyllidou, Yannis Tsorteksi and Alexandra Hassani.


The Festival marks in this edition 27 years since it received its international status and will screen a total of 23 films from 19 countries – which have been selected from films submitted from a total of 105 countries!

Among them there will be three Greek films: Motorway 65 by Evi Kalogiropoulou, From the Balcony by Aris Kaplanidis and Brutalia, days of labor by Manolis Mavris.

As the Head Programmer of the International Competition Program Yorgos Zois points out, “This year, the International Programme incorporates creations of young as well as established filmmakers, some of which have feature length films under their belt. Films that have been distinguished worldwide but also new discoveries by emerging directors, films that play with genres creating new languages of communication and focus on issues ranging from gender to class, all organically intertwined. Our programme is a rich mosaic of filmmakers from all over the world, offering us a fresh and modern outlook of the outside, as well as their inside world. This year we have chosen to increase the duration of the accepted competition films to 45 minutes and have selected films that because of their length wouldn’t make it to other short film festivals”

– Pleasantly surprising is the presence of the favorite actor Denis Lavant from the unforgettable Holy Motors and the rest of Leo Carax films in the sweet French-speaking story of Nicolas Paban, Guillaume Levil, Princess of Jerusalem.

-The Hungarian director Borbála Nagy presents Land Of Glory, an aptly sarcastic and sharply realistic film. Among her short films, as a director and screenwriter, Borbala has also worked on the feature film Jupiter’s Moon created by the famous (White God, Pieces of a Woman) director Kornél Mundruczó.

Swedish director Kezia Zurbrügg makes a double appearance in this year’s program as director of Leavers, a film tackling the new Brexit reality in the UK, but also in the cinematography team of the documentary The Game directed by Swedish filmmaker Roman Hodel. Go Sweden!

-Lois Patiño, after his feature film Red Moon Tides, collaborates with Matías Piñeiro creating Sycorax, a short film that fascinates with its poetic approach.


In the fresh and very young competition program that was inaugurated last year at the Drama International Film Festival with Head Programmer Thanasis Neofotistos, 22 films from 17 countries and 21 film schools were selected to be screened, directed by 13 women and 11 male directors – having among them 3 Greek films: Elevator Alone, by Anastasia Papadopoulou, Tolis Live or (Toronto) by Alexandros Rellos and Ante Nte by Ariadne Angeliki Thifronitou Litou.

As Thanasis Neofotistos notes, “We are very happy, as the clear goal of focusing on cinematic quality and treating the student film as a respectable piece of artistic work was recognized with the reception of 2000+ submissions (from 700 submissions in 2020) of student films from all over the world, making our job pleasantly difficult. From them, emerged a tight, high quality program, for which we are extremely proud of! Out of the 22 films we have selected, 8 will have their world premieres internationally, while other films that already had a significant festival course (Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, among others) are also included”.

He adds: “It is also very interesting for us that, due to the young age of the participants, we identified a very fresh and novel approach to issues that concern international film productions (the position of women, diversity, etc.) through films of all genres (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental). Finally, with pleasure, we noticed, unlike last year, many remarkable Asian films, mostly created by female directors and a significant increase in confessional films that tell personal stories of their creators. We are looking forward to sharing and watching with you the beautiful films of our program, at the Olympia cinema in Drama, 15th, 16th and 17th September, but also online through the platform of the 44th Drama International Short Film Festival! ”


* The National Competition Program Jury is comprised of: Menelaos Karamaggiolis – director, Eleni Androutsopoulou – head of the Greek program at the Thessaloniki Film Festival, Stella Theodoraki – director, producer, Panagiotis Iosifelis – screenwriter, screenwriting teacher Christina Bitha, journalist, film critic.

* The International Competition Jury is comprised of: Afroditi Panagiotakou – Director of culture at the Onassis Foundation, Venia Vergou – director of the Hellenic Film Commission, Anna Mouglalis – actress, director, Yannis Chalkiadakis – Film editor, Lydia Georgana – director, casting director and actors’ coach.

* The Student International Competition Jury is comprised of: Nazil Elif Dourlou – director (Turkey), Kyveli Short – producer (Greece) and Thodoris Dimitropoulos – film critic (Greece).

* The Audience Award will be presented again this year: through the Festival’s online platform, the audience will be able to take part in the voting for the Audience award for the best film for all the five competition programs of the festival.


*International Animation Competition Program

A new ambitious program in this year’s edition that puts emphasis on storytelling through the art of animation.
The Head Programmer of the Animation section is Spyros Siakas. There will be 20 films from around the world competing – including the Greek film The Classmate (Anastasia Dimitra) – which will be screened on September 13 and 14 in theaters and on the festival platform.
Jury: Vassilis Karamitsanis – Artistic Director of Animasyros – International Animation Festival, Tasos Nousias – actor, Eleni Mouri – professor at the graphic design department PADA, Izabella Plucinska – director and animator from Poland.

The Animation Competition prize “ASIFA HELLAS YANNIS VASILEIADIS” will be awarded.

International Competition Program for “Short and Green” Environmental Awareness Films

There are 14 films of all cinematic genres from 12 countries participating, including one Greek film (Containers by Katerina Charalambidou).

The thematic range is wide: social films, comedies, science fiction, experimental, observational and character-centered documentaries, animation with special allegorical symbolism.

The film Sea And Sky was filmed with the use of renewable energy sources, non-waste practices and a vegan catering on the menu among other actions, with the aim of neutralizing the production’s environmental footprint.

The 1st prize will be the DRAMA GREEN AWARD (The green prize of Drama), offered by CYCLOPS (non profit organization).

Vassilis Terzopoulos is the Head Programmer of “Short and Green”

Jury: José Manuel Abad Liñan – Journalist for El Pais newspaper, specializing in science and culture, Spain
Panagos Ioakeim – Actor
Dimitris Kazakis – Member of the Ecological Movement of Drama – Teacher
Eleftheria (Lila) Tsatsi – Activist

The establishment of the new section will be accompanied by a series of environmental actions, in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the Festival.

Indicative environmental actions:

-Tree planting actions in the city of Drama in collaboration with the Green Department, Municipality of Drama – a few days before the start of the Festival.

-Collection and recycling of recyclable waste from the screening rooms of the Festival

-The screenings of Short and Green are part of the actions of the Municipality of Drama for the European campaign of the European Mobility Week (16-22 September), which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Green Fund.

* Cinematherapy: Following last year’s very successful first presentation of Cinematherapy to the festival audience, this program returns this year as a separate section in DISFF: thus, the psychotherapist Denis Nikolakou returns with three films from this year’s participations (How to train an Antihero by John Bletas (Greece), Left Unsaid by Iari Varriale (Estonia), From the Balcony by Aris Kaplanidis (Greece) which will present the opportunity for another interesting presentation and discussion.

The innovation in this year’s Cinematherary is that in addition to the special content of the films – a criterion for their selection in that particular thematic collection, is that two of the three selected films are documentaries.

The selection criteria of the three films are based on the topics they explore:

A) Acceptance of diversity, disability, social integration (How to train an Anti-hero)

B) Family ties, personality formation through the relationships of family members in a modern society (Left Unsaid)

C) Social exclusion, interpersonal relations in the light of the economic crisis imprinted in a miniature of the modern Greek reality (From the Balcony).


The Drama Festival continues to support the production of short films and to offer training to new directors: As part of the educational platform DRAMA MINI TALENT LAB, for the eighth year, a Pitching Workshop for young filmmakers, and a Pitching Producers’ Forum will be held.

The Pitching Lab teaches pitching techniques to directors / producers, while at the Pitching Forum young directors and producers from around the world present their project, in a 5′ duration pitch, to producers and potential funding partners. At the end of the Pitching Forum, participants also have the opportunity to arrange one-on-one meetings with producers interested in their upcoming films or festival directors, to promote their work.

The Pitching Lab / Forum will be presented exclusively in the English language, will be held on Friday 17th September (13.30-17.00, Municipal Conservatory of Drama) and will be also open to the public with live streaming.

Finos Film will offer a cash prize for the best film, while GFC (Greek Film Centre) will financially support the program.

This year, the Pitching Lab has accepted 15 projects to participate (here you will find the participating projects: https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/en/festival/pitching-lab/

The director of the educational program of DISFF is the director and educator Barbara Dukas.

Masterclasses will be given by Panagiotis Iossifellis, Barbara Dukas, John Stephens and Georgina Kakoudaki (instructors of Pitching Lab), while the famous French actress and director, as well as a member of the jury of the International Competition, Anna Mouglalis, will join as a VIP guest.

The program also includes a panel with important international sales agents entitled: Festival Sales and Distribution – How does it work?.

Participants: Enrico Vannucci – Programmer at Locarno Film Festival (CH), Ben Vandendael – Sales Agent, Radiator Sales (BE) and Judith Wajsgruz -Film Distributor at Salaud Morisset (FR).


* EFA candicacies 2020: 10 award-winning European films will be screened at the European Film Academy Film Festival Network, nominated for the EFA 2020, Best European Short Film Award.

* Animasyros 2021 – International Animation Festival – collaborates with the Drama International Short Film Festival, presenting a part of this year’s tribute to Freedom at the 44th DISFF. The Freedom Tribute includes films from around the world, exploring various aspects of freedom, such as the war for liberation, the conquest of social rights, animal freedom and personal freedom. At the same time, a selection of the most important Greek animations in collaboration with ASIFA HELLAS will be presented at the Festival.

* DIAPLASIS, event in collaboration with the Television Station of the Hellenic Parliament. An inter-university programme of creative practice with the objective to create original television content with a youthful outlook and aesthetic. The students are taking part in a six months programme subsidized by the Parliament: they form groups and create the fifteen-minute documentaries of the series “Student Studies”, which will be screened on the Parliament-TV. 7 of these films will be presented at the event.

* Zagoriwood Program has been running since 2010 in the village of Kato Pedina of Zagori, operating under one philosophy: “1 person + 1 camera + 1 computer = a complete unit for creating audiovisual works”. The participants in the workshops are young or amateur filmmakers, who are being taught in depth the creative structure of the moving image. Every year many short films are produced as a result of this creative process. A selection of films created by the latest Zagoriwood will be screened at this event.

* Midnight screening of the award-winning international film’s Another Round by Thomas Winterberg at the Open-air Cinema Alexandros

Presentations of the directors with films in the competition section and open discussion with the audience of the Festival, at the Open-air Cinema Alexandros (daily at 12:30)

Fair Afternoons (13-17th September, 19:00 pm, cafe “ELEFTHERIA”) presented and curated by the poet, with origin from the city of Drama, Polina G. Bana.

The following will be presented: “Bright Darkness: texts for the cinema” by Achilleas Kyriakidis, “Children’s House” by Kyriakos Syfiltzoglou, and “1821: WOMEN AND THE GREEK REVOLUTION. From the Ottoman World to the Free Greek State” by Vasiliki Lazou. Also: the anniversary exhibition of the Benaki Museum “1821. Before and After” and the accompanying catalogue (Archaeological Museum of Drama) will be presented.

Also: the new issue of the biannual Journal of literature and art “Diodos 661”, the literature and literature review magazine “Theuth – the two facets of literature”, the historical photo-memoir “DRAMA OF REFUGEESA tribute to memory” by Georgia Bakali and Dimitris I. Sfakianakis, Short-Story Collection “Elevator – Real stories about the strength you would wonder how you found or lost” by Maria Kampantai and the “Photography Diary 2021” by the elderly care unit of Xanthi, “Megas Vasileios”.

-Finally, the award-winning films of the festival will be screened on Sunday 19/9, at 18.00 in the evening at the OLYMPIA cinema.


* A big partner and supporter of the 44th DISFF is EKOME (National Centre of Audiovisual and Media and Communication) which financially and morally supports the institution in its new educational activities, as well as in its actions related to further networking of the Festival in the Audiovisual Industry internationally.
* The support of Greek Film Centre is expanding, which in addition to the established awards that it offers, it also supports the educational program of the Festival.
* Raycap is the regular sponsor of the Grand Prix in the International Competition Program, financially and morally supports the educational program of the festival and the production of educational animation films.
* The ANT1 Screenwriting School, for the first time, will offer a screenplay award to the International Student Competition.
* The Onassis Culture will support the young filmmakers. More info will be announced during the festival.


Rendezvous in Drama, and right after in October (22-28) also in Athens, since this year the Greek program of the Festival, the award-winning films of the International Competition and some selected programs, will be screened at the Greek Film Archive theatre.

If the COVID conditions allow it, the program The Drama Festival Travels, will continue to travel in next season to even more destinations, highlighting the dynamics of the Greek cinema inside and outside Greece.


* We would like to remind you that from 13th September the entrance to the indoors cinema theatres is allowed only to vaccinated people and to the ones that had been sick with covid up to 6 months from the diagnosis or to those not vaccinated with rapid antigen test that has been performed (own means) up to 48 hours earlier.

* Do not forget to download the new version of our website application for mobile and tablets android


Here, you can select the photos you want from all the sections:


The Drama Festival is a Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Drama and is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture & Sports, the Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace and the Municipality of Drama. We thank the sponsors and supporters of DISFF:

EKOME – Prime Supporter








ERT, ERT3, Second Program, World, Voice of Greece, 102 fm, 958 fm
Ert Kavala, Ert Serres
TV5 World
Cosmote TV
Parliament Television
Real Fm 97.8 & Real News
Athens 9.84
In Kokkino, Thessaloniki
Journal of the Authors

PARTNERS & moral supporters

European Commission – European Delegation to Greece
Creative Europe – Media Desk Hellas
European Film Academy
Thessaloniki Film Festival
Olympia Festival for Children and Youth
ASIFA Hellas
Youth Plan / Neaniko Plano
French Institute & French Consulate in Thessaloniki
French Institute of Greece
University of West Attica
Hellenic Open University
The Greek film associations: PEKK, ETEKT, GSC
And the Network of European Short Film Festivals of the European Film Academy
Directorate of Primary Education of Serres

More information:
info@dramafilmfestival.gr (Drama Festival Secretariat)
Drama Offices: tel. +30 25210 47575
Athens Offices: tel. +30 210 3300309

Site: https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dramafilmfestival/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dramafilmfestival/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/dramafilmfestival/
FilmFreeway: https://filmfreeway.com/dramafilmfestival
Hashtags: #dramafilmfestival & #DISFF44

Drama International Short Film Festival

Evanna Venardou
Press Office Manager
Evanna Venardou
Press Office


We are pleased to announce this year’s National Competition Program of the Drama International Short FilmFestival.

From the 247 films submitted, 30 films were selected: 24 fiction, 2 documentaries, 2 animation and 2 experimental.

As noted by the artistic director Yannis Sakaridis, “We announce the present and the future of the Greek cinema through 30 excellent short films. And for the first time in the history of the institution, women directors are numerically superior to their male  (19 women, 14 men)”.

This year’s festival will be held from 12th to 18th September, 2021.

The qualifying committee consisted of:

Sofia Exarchou, director – producer
Yorgos Makris, actor – screenwriter
Aphroditi Nikolaidou, – Assistant Professor at the University of Athens
Panagiotis Fafoutis – director, producer
and the artistic director of the Drama International Short Film Festival, director and producer Yannis Sakaridis.

44th Drama International Short Film Festival National Competition 2021

01  EXPERIENCE OF GOODNESS by Eleni Alexandrakis
02  LAST VISIT by Spyros Alidakis
03  TO VANCOUVER by Artemis Anastasiadou
04  APALLOU by Niko Augustidis
05  SEA YOU by Giannis Vasilottos
06  I, THE HOUSE by Eleni Vergeti
07  CORTÁZAR by Katerina Strauch and Argyris Germanidis
08  THE STUDENT of Vasileios Kalamakis
09  MOTORWAY 65 by Evi Kalogiropoulou
10  FROM THE BALCONY by Aris Kaplanidis
11  LUXENIA by Dimitra Kondylatou
12  AFTER NOON by Alexios Koukias-Pantelis
13  YAF-YOUF by Athina Georgia Koumela
15  VATHIKOFTO by Ioanna Kryona
16  BEAUTY by Thanos Lyberopoulos
17  A SUMMER PLACE by Alexandra Mattheou
18  AT THE AIRPORT by Michalis Mathioudakis
20  BRUTALIA, DAYS OF LABOR by Manolis Mavris
21  EVERY SUNDAY by Keti Papadema
22  FLIK FLOK by Angeliki Pardalidou
23  HORSEPOWER by Spyros Skandalos
24  I DON’T WANT TO FORGET ANYTHING by Vaggelio Soumeli
25  EXPLOITATION by Marina Symeou
26  SOULS ALL UNACCOMPANIED by Yorgos Teltzidis
27  GIRLHOOD by Vania Barbara Turner and Maria Sidiropoulou
28  LITERAL LEGEND by Dimitris Tsakaleas and Lida Vartzioti
29  SOUL FOOD by Nikos Tseberopoulos
30  AMYGDALA by Maria Hatzakou

Don’t forget to download the new version of our website application for android mobiles and tablets

DISFF new visual identity

Drama International Short Film Festival obtains a refined profile.

The Festival is changing and consequently its image is changing too.

We are pleased to present the new visual identity of DISFF created by Dimitris Papazoglou and his team (creative office DpS/Athens).

What follows is the rationale behind this choice, guided by an identity that will be able to support the institution over time, marching along with the visual language of a constantly evolving digital world.

The preceding visual identity of the Drama International Short Film Festival was designed thirty years ago and was limited to be expressed by a logo including some basic colors. It has successfully served the needs of the institution for the past decades. Naturally, however, it became insufficient to express the continual evolution of the Festival in a wider frame and time length and to keep pace with the visual language in a continually changing digital world.

Our aim was to create a complete system of visual expression that would consolidate the current mission of the Festival, making the institution instantly recognizable to the Greek and international film audience: for the professionals working with the motion picture and for the individuals that are simply inspired by it; for young professionals and acclaimed filmmakers.

Firstly, in a climate of harmonious cooperation with DpS Athens, we defined the basic elements that the new visual identity should reflect in order to be consistent with the original essence of the institution:

  • The art of cinema at its core and the reason for its existence.
  • The format of “short film” as the representative field.
  • The attribute of the emblematic award, since the distinction in the competition sections of the festival is not only a locomotive to boost creativity but also a guarantee for recognition in the film industry.
  • The established international character that the Festival has acquired in the long run functions as a springboard for Greek and foreign artists at international markets.
  • The modern digital dimension of the institution as an organic adaptation to the new rituals of cinematic content consumption.
  • The factual intention of the festival is to embrace and shed light on individuals regardless of origin, religion and sexual orientation, with the main medium being the cinema that unites and serves for the collective progress and development.

We sought an identity consistent with the modern visual language, but which also will be able to support the institution throughout time. From the past until now; from now until the future.

That is why the option of creating a “firework”, that would look impressive in the short term in the form of a polished event, never crossed our minds. From the beginning our goal was to lay the foundations for implementations intended to last in the long run, without the need to depend on design trends.

Lengthy participatory workshops and constant interaction with the associates of the Festival co-formed the final design proposal by Dimitris Papazoglou that superseded our expectations by meeting the desired outcome:

  • The use of the film perforator (the small perforated squares that frame the strips of the analog film) works as a transition from our old logo to the new one. This classic element simultaneously represents the pixels or screens, signifying not only the cinematic mission of the Drama Film Festival but also its timeless continuity.
  • The imprinting of the pixels in such an arrangement that refers to the system of awards in film festivals – with the awarded party being placed in brackets from laurels – gave us a direct connotation to the concept of the cinematic competition, but also of the digital age.
  • The elliptical trace of the logo referring to the globe, offers us in a discreet but clear manner a visual depiction of the international character of an institution that is gaining more and more ground in the international cinematic terrain.
  • The codification of all verbal information into abbreviations that convey their message directly, is for us an organic symbolism for the power and format economy of the short film storytelling.

The patterns of the shapes and the distinct verbal presence that result from the above, in combination with the deep red color that connects our preceding identity with the refined one, constitute a complete visual system that we believe will enable the Festival to express itself audibly, recognizably and consistently in its function for the coming years.

We are grateful to Dimitris Papazoglou and DpS Athens for the thorough research, their inexhaustible creativity, elegant cooperation and the excellent final design.

George Demertzis, President of the Cultural Organization of Drama International Short Film Festival
Yannis Sakaridis, Artistic Director of Drama International Short Film Festival

Do not forget to download the new edition of our website application for mobiles and android tablets from the following address: https://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/en/about/download-the-app-of-our-website/

Award Ceremony

Founded in 1988, the European Film Academy currently unites over 3,800 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting European film culture. The 33rd European Film Awards will be celebrated on 12 December 2020. Usually, the European Film Awards (EFA) take place in Berlin every second year and is celebrated in cities throughout Europe, alas, due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year the show will be produced in Berlin, and we are happy to come to Reykjavík, Iceland, as originally planned, in 2022.

The 33rd European Film Awards will take place as a semi-virtual studio production in the unique location of the new Berlin Museum Futurium, where host Steven Gätjen will be guiding through the evening in person, this year without a live audience.

The ceremony honours the achievements of European cinema in the main EFA categories (Film, Documentary, Discovery, Director, Actress, Actor, Screenwriter, Innovative Storytelling) and welcomes special guests and representatives of the European Film Academy: Wim Wenders, Agnieszka Holland, Mike Downey and Marion Döring on stage. The awards in the 8 categories will be presented by internationally renowned talents such as Kida Khodr Ramadan, Louis Hofmann, Emily Atef and Annabelle Mandeng, with more to be confirmed (Hildur Guðnadóttir, Tyrone Rickets, … ); whereas nominees and winners will join us virtually & safely via live links – take a look at the EFA selection and nominations so far, to get an idea whom to expect. As special greeting from Iceland, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir will be acting as side kick from Reykjavík from which also a music act will be performed during the ceremony.

The huge media response reflects the international interest for the event: Over 200 journalists, including 25 photographers and over 20 TV and webTV crews received an accreditation 2019 to report on the ceremony all over Europe. The Awards Ceremony has been transmitted live worldwide on the website of the European Film Awards and was broadcast on TV in Ukraine, Australia, Poland, Iceland, Malta, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain. In total EFA reaches over 13,000 in print and 4.5 billion in online media and had over 3 million visits on its website during the awards weekend. For more specs on social media reach refer to the attached overview of the social media channels.

WATCH THE EFA’s Award Ceremony HERE


The DISFF participates in the digital cultural program of the Greek Chairmanship of the Council of Europe

with five short films

The films will be shown free of charge on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 November on the webpage of the Ministry of Culture htpps://digitalculture.gov.gr where the digital cultural program of the Greek Chairmanship is shown. They will be subtitled in English as they are (also) meant for international audiences, giving short film fans everywhere a good chance of savouring the modern greek production. The films proposed by the Festival belong to the thematic unit “INVESTING IN THE FUTURE – THE RIGHTS OF YOUNG PEOPLE” and deal with hot issues of modern Europe: minors and immigration, unescorted children, children – victims of poverty and bullying at school, climatic change, public health and restrictions in exercising human rights.

Societies in Motion

TIDES – A STORY TOLD BY THE SEA by Stavrianna Litsa, doc 11’ 2014
Little Sayed and his family arrive in Mytilini having had a really narrow escape. Before crossing the Aegean, their father gets lost in the crowds. The mother and children hear that their father has been imprisoned in Greece and put up a book with a view to saving him.

UMMI by Niko Avgoustidis, fiction 15’ 2015
Mohamed, a six year old refugee, finds himself alone in a crowded Aegean beach. He is hiding behind a rock, watching the tourists bathing and waiting for his mother to come back. He lost her in the sea and now he needs to find her again, in order to keep up with the great trip to the West. UMMI means “my mother” in Arabic.

FOURTH WALL by Dimitris Gkotsis, Doc, 10’ 2018
The fourth wall is the invisible aspect of the social fabric, which looks unchanged, with the only difference being the characteristics of people. People breeding in order to produce, surviving rather instinctively. The film is based on the notes of a ten-month trek.

SCHOOL PRAYER by Thanassis Neofotistos, Fiction, 17’ 2014
In the Junior High School that Dimitris attends, Vassilis with his friends, a group of bullies, make him feel terror. When Dimitris is told that he has to say the prayer, Vassilis haunts his thoughts. But what is to happen on the day when he has to face the whole school, and especially him?

THE SEED by Iphigenia Kotsoni, Fiction, 15΄, 2015
In a gloomy Athens of the future, Nala, a vegetable dealer, is located by the police and is convicted to five years of “rehab”. The story of this lonely “rebel” unfolds in a world where the cultivation of plants is illegal.

Greece, a member of the Council of Europe since August 1949, took over the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers in the emergency circumstances imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The semester of the Greek Chairmanship also coincides with the 70th anniversary of an important historical event with a great impact on the evolution of the protection of human rights in Europe: the signing of the European Convention on Human Rights on 4 November 1950 in Rome. A treaty which has since become the constitutional “compass” in the European system of the protection of human rights.

The broader theme of the Chairmanship concerning human rights and humanistic values provides the focus for digital exhibitions and events.

The Awards of the 43rd


The jury of the 43rd Drama Greek Short Film Festival, consisting of

Argiris Papadimitropoulos

Giannis Stankoglou
Alexia Theodoraki
Evi Kalogiropoulou
Romanna Lobach

Making movies is a difficult business. Making movies in Greece, even more so. All of you not only managed to do this, but you also did it well. The films we watched during this festival were personal, daring, and truly spectacular. For this, we thank you.

During the final meeting, the jury decided to present the following awards


The Golden Dionysos Award is awarded to the film “Bella”, directed by Thelyia Petraki.

The award is accompanied by three prizes:
Finos Film Productions offers a cash prize of 4,000 Euro
The Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) offers a cash prize of 3,000 Euro
The Greek Film Centre (GFC) offers a cash prize of 2,000 Euro


This award is presented to the film “Vouta”, by Dimitris Zahos.
Because it is a film that moved us profoundly from start to finish. Personally, the ending moved me to such an extent, that I still think of it on every hour of the day.


This award is presented to the film “Harmonica Man”, by Alexandros Skouras,
for managing to extract stellar performances, not only from its main, but from all peripheral actors, too, in order to create a finely-tuned film which stole our hearts.

The award is accompanied by
A cash prize of 3,500 Euro, offered by the Greek Film Centre (awarded to the director),
And Post-Production provisions by Stefilm

Documentary Award

This award is presented to the film “Teo, My Neighbour”, by Christos Karteris.

We were somewhat concerned with the absence of more films of a purely documentary nature; still, a film with a strong outlook, a lively rhythm, a sense of humour and a sensitivity in observing its hero, managed to stand out.

The award is accompanied by
A cash prize of 3,500 Euro, offered by the Greek Film Centre
And a cash prize of 1,000 Euro, offered by the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT)

Drama Queer

This award is presented to the film “Madonna F64.0”, by Stavros Markoulakis.

This year, the selection panel asks the Festival to establish an award which, up until now, is resoundingly absent from the competition. An award which will be awarded every year, until there are no more people who are denied the chance to live a normal life and suffer because of their diversity.
All people have a right to equal chances, a right to love, to happiness, and to life itself.
This year, we will be giving out an award to a film that takes a stand in favour of diversity.
Cinema can be far richer when it includes all of us, male, female, or other.

Best Script Award

This award is presented to Giorgos Teltzidis, for the script of the film “Vouta” by Dimitris Zahos,
for sharp dialogue and faithfulness in all the factors chosen to realise the narration.

The award is accompanied by
A cash prize of 3,500 Euro, offered by the Greek Film Centre

Honorary Distinction for Best Female Actor

Awarded to Elena Topalidou, for her performance in the film “Bella”, by Thelyia Petraki,
for her non-pretentious and unrivalled rendition of the voice-over, her movement plasticity and her compelling gaze.

Honorary Distinction for Best Male Actor

Awarded to Pavlos Iordanopoulos, for his performance in the film “The Meaning of August”, by Manos Papadakis, for his frugal, moving and simultaneously reserved and personal performance.

Honorary Distinction for Photography

Awarded to Manu Tilinski, for his photography in the film “Bella”, by Thelyia Petraki,
for cinematographic particularity, for the harmonious combination of live shooting and archive materials, and for the use of a unique colour palette.

Honorary Distinction for Film Editing

Awarded to Smaro Papaevangelou, for her editing work in the film “Escaping the Fragile Planet”, by Thanasis Tsimpinis,
for her meticulous organisation of each cut and her respect towards the actors’ each and every breath.

Honorary Distinction for Stage Design

Awarded to Danai Elefsinioti, for the film “Vouta”, by Dimitris Zahos,
for the exceptional rendition of places, the credibility of representation and the natural and precise description of the places of action.

Honorary Distinction ‘Ioulia Stavridou’ for Costume Design

Awarded to Vassilia Rozana, for her work in the film “Bella” by Thelyia Petraki,
for the meticulous costume design which ensured consistency with the film’s particular aesthetic.

The award is accompanied by a cash prize of 2,000 Euro, offered by the Trianon Cinema,
And a sponsorship for the costume designer by the company Enjoy.

Honorary Distinction for Original Score

Awarded to Yannis Veslemes, for the music in the film “Melatonin” by Nikos Pastras,
for the composition of the original music which provided a very special in situ project with an intense pulse.

Honorary Distinction for Sound Design

Awarded to Kostis Charamountanis, for his film “Anthology of a Butterfly”, also directed by him,
for the creative collation and use of sound in a way that renders it an indispensable part of the composition.

Honorary Distinction for Sound

Awarded to Simos Lazaridis, for the film “The Meaning of August” by Manos Papadakis, for his important contribution in the narration of the film.

Honorary Distinction for Makeup

Awarded to Ioanna Lygizou, for her work in the film “Bella” by Thelyia Petraki,
for her detail-oriented and discreet contribution in the representation of the era.

Honourable Mention

An honourable mention is given to the creative team of the film “Dakar” by Stelios Moraitidis, for the film’s frugal approach, poetic dimension and comprehensive development of a story doomed to be lost.

Honourable Mention

An honourable mention is given to the film “The Call” by Marios Psaras,
For its targeted use of cinematography as a means for servicing the film’s sensitive subject

Honourable Mention

An honourable mention is given to the film “Pashka” by Oltjon Lipe,
for its subversive outlook on the topic of a young hero’s homecoming, as well as for its concept’s resounding impact.

International Competition Awards 2020

The jury of the International Competition Section of the 43rd Drama Short Film Festival, consisting of

Pawel Pawlikowski
Themis Bazaca
Lefteris Charitos
Lena Divani
Stergios Paschos

Good evening. We’re all products of our era. Both the people, and our works.
And this wildly improbable era, gathered, from the four corners of the world, wildly bizarre fruit which we relished on the silver screen. They were many, they were diverse, they were tantalising, and they fed endless discussions each evening. Here, we ought to thank the Artistic Director and his collaborators, the people whose difficult task it was to select these 35 out of 2,000 films from around the world.
At the end of the screenings, through this colourful explosion, two distinct trends and an absence could clearly be seen:

– Loneliness; unbearable, impossible to humanly handle loneliness; which leads us to the next trend.
– Escape. More and more new creators escape reality through their work. They create a world that’s utterly their own, in which they set the rules themselves. They’re no longer powerless.

Finally, we find the complete lack of political films, concerning. In an era that is in desperate need of political thought, we felt that new creators conceive politics as a fixed game that they have no part in.
So, in turn, they give it no part. Is that the solution, though? Or does it reflect the uncertainty of an era that’s dying, while a new one hasn’t yet been born.

With all this in mind, we tried to select films that attempted to explore the boundaries of filmmaking, while at the same time holding up the human dimension of cinema. As you will see, we embraced the films that, while dealing with existential darkness, left a ray of light in through the cracks. These cracks are sometimes the films themselves.

During the final meeting, the jury decided to present the following awards

Grand Prix 2020

Awarded to the film “And she hisses” directed by Monica Lek – Spain/USA.

A film that the jury members unanimously agreed was deserving of the main award. A film that grows inside you, that stretches the boundaries of the medium, that dares to touch the limits, that provokes traditional cinematic narratives and comes out a winner, that fascinates with its subject matter, as well as the protagonists’ interpretations.

The award is accompanied by 4,000 euros, offered by Raycap.

Best Director

Awarded to the film “Chen Chen” directed by Kargo Chen – Hong Kong.

A modest, simple, honest, touching film, almost healing, one that our soul desperately needed.

Best Southeastern European Film Award

Awarded to the film “As if underwater / Όπως θα συνέβαιναν μέσα στο νερό” directed by Anthi Daoutaki from Greece.

For its bold and imaginative direction, for the whole world created in a solitary room, and because, although it deals with a very bleak subject, it put a smile on our faces.

Best Animation Film

Awarded to the film “Portrait of Suzanne” by Izabela Plucinska – Poland/Germany/France.

Because we adored the film of the award-winning director in Drama, which sculpted-literally and metaphorically- the most tragicomedic, surreal, delightful character in the competition.

Best Production Awards “TV5 MONDE”

Awarded to the film “Anna” directed by Dekel Berenson – UK/Ukraine/Israel.

A high quality production, moderate and efficient on every level. From the extras, to the selection of settings.

Special award Environment & Climate change

Awarded to the film “The End of Suffering (a proposal)” directed by Jacqueline Lentzou from Greece.

A film that manages, among other things, to give the clearest and most substantial message on climate change. The universe converses with its desperate heroine, and tells her how people made their own cages and turned Earth into a hostile planet.

The award is accompanied by 4,000 euros, offered by the non-profit organization Cylops

#ThisisEU- European Values

Awarded to the film “Virago” directed by Kerli Kirch Schneider – Estonia.

A film that views history through a comedic prism, a privilege of European thinking, and highlights Eastern-European trauma. In this instance, the heavy burden that fell on women’s shoulders in a disintegrating post-communist society.

Nomination EFA Drama 2020

Directed to the film “Favourites” by Martin Monk – Austria/Germany
for its simplicity, solid construction and its great actors.

Special Mention Male Part

Awarded to Kostis Koroneos for his performance in the film “Premier Amour” by Haris Raftogiannis – Greece/France.
for managing to humanise a completely marginal hero.

Special Mention Female Part

Awarded to Stella Vogiatzaki for her performance in the film “As if underwater” by Anthi Daoutaki – Greece.
for embodying the melancholia of a lonely heroine, gracefully displaying every aspect of her complex psyche.


The jury of FIPRESCI consisting of:
Ηelene Robert from France
Marla Jacarilla from Spain
Despina Triantafillidou from Greece

present the FIPRESCI Award to the film “The End of Suffering (a proposal)” by Jacqueline Lentzou from Greece.

The members of the Fipresci jury have decided to give the International Award to “The End of Suffering” by Jacqueline Lentzou. We appreciate the originality, depth, and simplicity of the project, the aesthetic of the images, and her ability to develop a dreamlike low fi science fiction movie. Furthermore, there is a nice attempt to explain non-duality spiritual concepts.

Greek Society of Film Critics

«Goads», Iris Baglanea.

Hellenic Parliament TV Channel Award
“Human Values”

The television channel of the Parliament bestows the “Human Values” Award to a film of the international program of the festival, which narrates with minimalism and boldness the effort of a woman to approach her underage son, a rural prison inmate, after many years of her being absent.
The award is bestowed to the film “In her steps” by Anastasia Kratidi from Greece.

International Student Awards 2020

The jury of the International Student Competition of the 43rd Drama International Short Film Festival, consisting of:

Lida Vartzioti & Dimitris Tsakaleas
Alexandros Diakosavvas
Alki Politi

During the final meeting, the jury decided to present the following awards:


To the film “The best orchestra in the world” by Henning Backhaus from Austria.
For the compelling and humour-laden depiction of the need for diversity representation in art, institutions, and society, the modern viewpoint and the hope that we’ll all soon be identifying as “socks”.


To the film “A mess at Apartment 14″ by Radu Barbu freom Romania
For the realism in the depiction of everyday life, the balance between boldness, simplicity, and underlying irony, the unpretentious acting, and rounded sketching of multifaceted characters.


To the film “22:47 LINIE 34” by Michael Karrer from Switzerland
For the clear eye and mindful approach of a burning social issue, the entirely current dialogue, the artful rhythm and its deeply existential quality.


To the film “Rosa Kairo” by Jacques Simha
To the film “Violetta” by Fivos Imellos
To the film “The jar” by Kyriakos Rontsis



To the film The Jar by Kyriakos Rontsis.


To the film As if underwater by Anthi Daoutaki.


To the film Antivirus by Anastasia Sima.